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Project supervision

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Supervision meeting intervals

Supervision meetings are normally held each two weeks. Depending on the total number of students it will be either individual meetings of 15-30 minutes, or it will be a scheduled meeting of 60 minutes if more students are participating.

Since this is your project and that part of the overall learning goals of project work is that you should be able to work independently I expect that you are proactive concerning these meetings including that you the day before submit a brief agenda for your part of the meeting and some written material that we should discuss. For individual meetings you are responsible for sending out a meeting invite.

Project journal

During the project phase you must continually update an individual/group project journal where you at least on a weekly basis share the progres, results, findings, identified problems etc. It is recommended that you use Google Drive for this document and share it with If you prefer not to use Google Drive please email an updated version of the logbook to the mail address at least once each week.

I recommend that you use the journal for detailed note taking while working on the project. You will probably find that this makes the report writing much easier because you will be able to copy information from the journal to your report with either none or only minor editing.

The journal is an internal project management tool, it should not be enclosed in the project report and it will not be used at the exam.